Foto: Håvard Sagen

Foto: Håvard Sagen

Foto: Håvard Sagen

Foto: Håvard Sagen

Foto: Håvard Sagen

Foto: Håvard Sagen

Foto: Håvard Sagen

Foto: Håvard Sagen

Foto: Håvard Sagen

Foto: Håvard Sagen
Ingeborg Kvame
Ingeborg Kvame (b.1978) works in several media such as drawing, printmaking, textiles and sculpture, often using nature as a source for materials. Her works are open and investigating, and at the same time characterized by solid crafts. By juxtaposing contrasts, the light against the dark, the living against the dead, she seeks to provide simple visual expressions with the ability to embrace multiple layers of meaning. Ingeborg Kvame holds a Bachelor of Arts from Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland. Selected solo exhibitions are at Arkivet, Stavanger; Studio17, Stavanger; Bryne Kunstforening, Prosjektrom Normanns, Stavanger og Haugesund Billedgalleri, Haugesund.